HE: Almost impossible to believe!
Would a famous man
Ever engage
In such a gratuitous act of sexual power
Rubbing her back underneath her skirt
For his instant gratification?
Mais non
HE: Important men are not like that!
Eros springs from a well ordered artistry.
Men are contained
Within their ebullience, enthusiastic, playful
But never threatening, and always
In the tread of their consummate professionalism:
They would never endanger their sacred roles
As leaders, technicians, the judges of others.
Mais non
HE: Women are full of madness and whim
Prone to exaggeration and embellishment!
They may be scrumptious (like buttered toast)
But lack observation and understanding
In how the true order of decency works.
Quixotic (that is part of their charm)
But truly, unable to sense the rigid barriers
That demarcate sensible behaviour.
Mais non
HE: Sacrifice a characterful man
To a young woman’s nebulous fears?
Power is not an issue
Proclivities aside:
Let us keep a balance here.
Man to man
On the parchment scrawl of judgement
Such things cannot be – she will recover.
Mais non
HE: Emotional landscapes are too risky!
The ordered eye can smooth out
The messiness of human contact.
Let us not forget:
Men shall inherit the world
Women shall keep it clean
Tidying up the loose ends
Of masculine exuberance.
Almost impossible to believe:
Mais non
gar jones - April 2019